sebastiandaschner news

wednesday, september 07, 2022

Welcome to my newsletter #63!

This is the first issue that I’m writing from my new office. As I’ve been mentioning in the previous issue, my wife and I now moved to a new apartment which comes with more space and separate office rooms for both of us. We both need spaces that are quiet and yet we shouldn’t hear each other while one has a meeting, which turned out to be a bit more tricky to solve in apartments than we thought. Last weekend was full of moving, but to get things up-and-running quickly, I wanted to focus on and build up the most important things first — the workplaces and coffee machine, obviously ;-)

For me, the next weeks will be filled with fully arriving at the new place, as well as some client workshops on the topic of containers and Kubernetes. If you need some help in form of consultation, code reviews, or training in the next weeks and months, also feel free to reach out, I have some availability.


What’s New


Quarkus Workshops in December 2022

On December 12th & 13th, I’ll be holding full-day online workshops on how to do modern, effective development with Quarkus. These workshops aim to boost your knowledge, skills, and productivity for developing and testing modern enterprise applications.

We’re going to spend all of these days coding and discussing important Quarkus concepts, in a virtual workshop conducted via Zoom. The advantage of these workshops over watching a video is that you can ask questions live, and that the agenda can be shaped by attendee interest.

Have a look at the individual workshop pages and their agendas, for details:


Uploading Files With Quarkus

If you have tried it you might have seen that uploading files in an enterprise application can turn out to be more tricky than it sounds, especially considering files sizes or files names. I’ve recorded a video that shows how to upload single and multiple files in an HTML form upload with a Quarkus application.

Uploading Files With Quarkus


Configuring Quarkus URLs Behind A SSL/TLS Reverse Proxy

Quarkus and JAX-RS allows us to create Hypermedia URLs to our application resources in an easy way, for example using the UriInfo and UriBuilder functionalities. However, when our application is routed behind a reverse proxy that handles SSL/TLS connections for us, which happens very often in cloud-native environments, we might need to take a few things into consideration.

I’ve recorded a video that shows how to configure Quarkus to create and return the correct URLs that match what the user provides in their requests. We’ll also see how to use a local Minikube Kubernetes cluster with Istio gateways to configure HTTP and HTTPS access.

Configuring Quarkus URLs Behind A SSL/TLS Reverse Proxy


Using the Command Line as File Explorer

My Linux setup and the fact that I use the command line for pretty much everything has caused some interest in various settings. Nowadays, I’m using the Linux command line to do pretty much everything on my computer — I’m not even using a file explorer anymore.

I’ve recorded a video that shows a few tips and tricks on how to make your command line usage more effective, with regards to navigation, shortcuts, aliases, and more:

Using the Command Line as File Explorer


Developer Productivity Masterclass

Recently, I fully published my on-demand video masterclass on how to be more productive as software developer. This is your reminder to check it out if you haven’t already:

Developer Productivity Masterclass


Thanks a lot for reading and see you next time!


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